Thursday, March 8, 2007

First Blog

Hello to everyone,
I have been inspired by The Muriels and my desparate need to connect with others whilst on this mad journey of trying to conceive a child.
My partner Di and I have been trying to conceive a baby for 3 years now....I have had a miscarriage and two years ago I had an ectopic pregnancy that ruptured, resulting in major surgergy and major trauma....That was two years ago....many tears and lots of therapy later I am feeling ok now.

We are on the IVF program now......well actually we've been waiting for 6 months for our donor's sperm to finish quarrantine.....i am on the pill and i have about 4 weeks until i start the heavier hormones.
We had such a full on week.....had our first nurses appointment....i actually gave myself an injection in preparation for the ones to come....pretty brave huh!
We were anticipating receiving our schedule and starting this week but they got the dates wrong and we have to wait...
so much much to go through.....aaaggghh
I was so frustrated and upset...I'm ok for now....just needed to reach out to's amazing to keep realising one's potential to keep on going despite the difficulties.....


Kim-n-Megan said...

Just wanted to wish you girls the best of luck with your IVF cycle! Found your blog through The Muriels!

Clare said...

Welcome to blog land it is a good way to work through it all - good luck to you